Rave on thy Holy Fool!
It maybe looks like we're going to have to shell out for a professional framer...
I called in to the bank today to see if I could set up a PayPal account, because I'm really starting to need one on my forays about the interweb. Looks like I might be able to set one up soon!
Anyway, after the town, we went and ate some sandwiches in a car park overlooking the River Bann - I took these photos while I was there...

After that, we dropped in to Sainsbury's to get some staple goods. I noticed this a couple of weeks ago, but didn't take a photo. This time I did. Apparently Sainsbury's are now taking pointers from the American supermarkets...
After Sainsbury's, we hightailed it home, listening to In the Garden and Rave on, John Donne (Parts 1 and 2) by Van Morrisson. Excellent. Poetic Genius!
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