Friday, July 28, 2006

Science Museum

A nice building

My version of the Killers album cover!'s a picture of a shed...I thought it looked nice!

The building opposite the Science Museum

A spitfire hanging in the Science Museum

It looks like a Sopwith Camel, but I'm no expert, so please correct me...

Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, on display in the computing section

An engine off a Boeing 747. Big, eh?


I had a great day today! We were driven to the Science Museum by the aforementioned chauffeur. It was great quietly cruising through London, cutting through all the hustle and bustle and arriving right at the door of the Museum! Talk about class!

Anyway, the Science Museum was wonderful - the exhibits were so varied and interesting! I especially enjoyed the aircraft displays.

We bought a lot of stuff at the shop. I got, among other stuff, a drag racer. It will, naturally be hacked at the earliest possible opportunity!



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