A Very Old Computer...and Some Slightly Newer Ones...

Of course, the high-point was the Colossus, although the two hour lecture on cryptography and the display of old (1980s) home computers were excellent too. The machine really does live up to it's name, although, for being so old, it's surprisingly powerful - it's touted as being as powerful as a Pentium 2, but I'm not sure how they tested that...
The whole visit was extremely informative, especially the part were I fooled around with the ZX80's BASIC compiler!
I would like to say a special thanks to Tony Sale for his excellent tour and generosity.
Oi! Less of the Mac bashing, okay?
Hi chipmunk it's peternelson from the custompc forum here ;-)
Nice colossus ;-) kinda like my dining room ;-)
Anyway just an important point most 1980s vintage computers came with a built in BASIC in the rom. However this was an INTERPRETER NOT A COMPILER. That is not to say that compilers were not available. eg I used PETSPEED for the commodore pet, which was much faster than the interpreted basic supplied with the machine.
Therefore you were not in fact using a zx80 compiler, but the interpreter. Nice machines those, but the screen would grey while processing work. zx81 introduced "fast" and "slow" modes where the screen could still be generated in exchange for slower prog execution. I had 2 zx81s, but canibalised one for electronic parts ;-) Of course real zx81 programmers used assembler (like 3d monster maze game). You could fit a lot of code into 1K of ram that way.
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Wow, your blog appears to have been inundated by some sad knobcheese... my Computing teacher *did* say he was quitting next week, wonder if he's getting a head of things? ;-)
Hows things, dude?
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