Sunday, July 09, 2006

Yanks at it again.

As if the recent lawsuits aren't enough, the FBI is further challenging your human rights.


I mean, seriously, every time some eleven-year-old starts bragging about their latest victory in Counter Strike and mentions C4, M-16s and MP-5s, the comms monitoring at Langley's gonna light up like a Christmas tree.

That said, I do support government monitoring if it saves my bacon next time something's being plotted. Just as long as they don't start using the information in other ways, of course.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I have a bit of a fixed attitude to stuff like this. Especially the US - if they want to do that, fine. Not on my watch, b*tch. :x

Bloody yanks. (Offended anyone? I'd like to take the Maggie Thatch approach to the problemo here: Tough.)


10:34 pm  
Blogger theChipmunk said...

I think you need a holiday!



12:41 am  

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